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US military aircraft activity near Taiwan increasing

A map displayed on the Aircraft Spots Twitter timeline yesterday shows the path followed by a US reconnaissance aircraft southwest of Taiwan.
Image from the Aircaft Spots Twitter account

A Twitter account that tracks military aircraft movements has indicated an increase in US military activity near Taiwan, coinciding with an increase in Chinese military activity in the area.


Commission considers validating injustice sites

The Transitional Justice Commission is reportedly planning on validating and announcing 85 historical sites of injustice, as well as proposing legislative suggestions for preserving them.

After consulting experts and using the UN’s International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance as reference, the commission has drafted and finished revising key points in its final report on validating historical sites of injustice, which refer to places where those in power violated human rights during the authoritarian period.


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Illuminated words of encouragement are displayed on the 85 Sky Tower in Kaohsiung’s Lingya District yesterday evening amid a nationwide COVID-19 outbreak.
Photo: Chang Chung-yi, Taipei Times

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday reported 321 new local COVID-19 infections and two deaths, while an additional 400 cases that had been delayed in reporting have been added to the daily confirmed cases reported from Sunday last week to Friday.