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Oslo court rules against Taiwanese in nationality suit

A group of Taiwanese living in Norway lost a lawsuit filed last year against the Norwegian government, accusing it of improperly changing their nationality from “Taiwanese” to “Chinese” on their residency permits.

A district court in Oslo on Tuesday last week ruled that the Norwegian government abides by the “one China” policy and so does not diplomatically recognize Taiwan.


AIT promotes Taiwan’s bid for WHA

The WHO logo is pictured at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on April 15.
Photo: EPA-EFE

The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) yesterday launched a “countdown” series of Facebook posts to promote Taiwan’s bid to participate in the World Health Assembly (WHA), which is expected to meet virtually in the middle of this month.


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Farmer Tsai Li-yueh, with microphone, and other farmers and supporters protest in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei yesterday against the diversion of irrigation water from farmland to the Central Taiwan Science Park.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Brandishing rice stems, guavas, cucumbers and other crops, close to 100 farmers from Changhua County yesterday gathered on Ketagalan Boulevard in Taipei to protest against a water diversion construction project in the fourth-phase expansion of the Central Taiwan Science Park.

“The science park is robbing us of water. Stop the construction at once,” the farmers shouted.