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Groups call for action on Hong Kong

A demonstrator yesterday waves a flag at a rally at Liberty Square in front of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei commemorating the first anniversary of the anti-extradition bill protests in Hong Kong.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Civic groups yesterday urged the government to set up a humanitarian assistance program for Hong Kongers in need and a mechanism for those seeking political asylum.


US senator seeks Taiwan Defense Act

US Senator Josh Hawley speaks at a US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington on May 12.
Photo: Reuters

US Senator Josh Hawley on Thursday introduced a draft Taiwan Defense Act, which would require the Pentagon to maintain the capability to defeat a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, while continuing to fulfill its obligations under the US’ Taiwan Relations Act (TRA).


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US Representative Scott Garrett has introduced a resolution to the US Congress declaring that Taiwan deserves membership in the UN.

Garrett, a Republican, did so as the UN General Assembly opened its annual session in New York.

“Year after year, the UN has failed to offer the 23 million people of Taiwan and their freely elected government representation on the world stage,” Garrett said. “The world body can no longer act as if the unelected communist government of the People’s Republic of China truly represents the interests of Taiwan. Currently, Taiwan is the only democratically governed nation in the world that does not enjoy a single vote in the General Assembly.”