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US leaders back Taipei move to allow imports

Department of North American Affairs Director-General Douglas Hsu comments on the government’s decision to ease restrictions on US beef and pork imports at a news briefing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

Seventy-four public and private-sector leaders in the US have voiced support for Taipei’s move to ease restrictions on US beef and pork imports, but no concrete steps have yet been taken toward a bilateral trade agreement (BTA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday.


US, Taiwan reshaping supply chains: AIT

From left, Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu, American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Director Brent Christensen and National Communictions Commission Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang hold signed copies of a joint declaration on 5G security at the 5G Policy Forum organized by the AIT yesterday in Taipei.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

The US is working with Taiwan to restructure global supply chains under the shared values of transparency and accountability, American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Director Brent Christensen said, according to a transcript released by AIT yesterday.


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Members of non-governmental organizations gather outside the Ministry of Education in Taipei yesterday to protest against the changes to the high school curriculum.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

In the latest of a series of protests against the high-school curriculum for Chinese language and social science, dozens of civic group representatives yesterday called for Taiwanese to demand the President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) administration reverse the policy aimed at “brainwashing” the younger generation.