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Visiting patients banned in three cities

Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung speaks at an annual award ceremony at the ministry in Taipei yesterday honoring outstanding nurses.
Photo: CNA

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday banned visits to patients or residents at healthcare and long-term care facilities in three cities until May 17. It also reported six imported cases of COVID-19 and two cases with unclear infection sources.


Koo Kwang-ming to quit adviser post

Taiwan New Constitution Foundation founder Koo Kwang-ming answers reporters’ questions in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

Taiwan New Constitution Foundation founder Koo Kwang-ming (辜寬敏) yesterday said he would quit as Presidential Officer adviser over the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government’s lack of progress in normalizing Taiwan as a state.


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The battle to keep Voice of America’s (VOA) Mandarin and Cantonese radio and TV broadcasts to China alive continued in the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs on Wednesday with a unanimous vote for a proposal that would secure money for the embattled China unit.

The authorization bill, sponsored by US Representative Dana Rohrabacher during a markup hearing, reserves US$13.76 million from the total budget for government-sponsored broadcasting next year to be strictly used for Mandarin and Cantonese radio and TV broadcasts.

That amount is equal to this year’s operational budget for VOA’s China unit.