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No more Chinese gadgets for government: source

Surveillance cameras hang on a post in front of Hikvision Digital Technology’s headquarters in Hangzhou, China, on May 28, 2019.
Photo: Bloomberg

Government agencies are to be banned from using any Chinese electronics from the end of this year, rather than have a “blacklist” of products that must be continually updated, a source within the Executive Yuan said on Saturday.


Formal ties with US would lift Taiwan’s status: You

Legislative Speaker You Si-kun, right, talks during an online interview with media personality Frances Huang in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chung Li-hua, Taipei Times

Taiwan’s status would be normalized if the US resumed diplomatic ties with Taiwan, Legislative Speaker You Si-kun (游錫堃) said yesterday, adding that the issue of Taiwan’s identity has been gaining attention worldwide.


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A prototype of Taiwan’s first locally built submarine is set to begin testing in September, marking a milestone in the nation’s Indigenous Defense Submarine program, CSBC Corp, Taiwan (台船) chairman Cheng Wen-lon (鄭文隆) said yesterday.

The construction of the prototype has continued around the clock after overcoming a series of difficulties thanks to the cooperation of the Naval Shipbuilding Development Center, the navy’s 256th Submarine Squadron and a CSBC task force, Cheng said.