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Should Taiwan's leader stand down over delays in aiding typhoon victims?

Should Taiwan's leader stand down over delays in aiding typhoon victims?(Quickvote at CNN.com )

Yes 82% 12306

No 18% 2660

update:2009.08.17 16:45


MORAKOT: THE AFTERMATH : MOFA sorry, but denies mistake over refusing aid

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) yesterday apologized for a leaked memo that instructed overseas representative offices to decline all offers of foreign aid and rescue workers except for cash donations, but Acting Minister Andrew Hsia insisted that the blunder was carelessness, not a “mistake” as reported by the media.

Hsia said the memo “neglected” to say that Taiwan was only ”temporarily” refusing foreign aid, adding that MOFA’s standing policy has always been that Taiwan would seek international assistance if needed.


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A civic movement to hold a referendum on US beef imports cleared another hurdle yesterday, passing a review by the Cabinet’s Referendum Screening Committee by a vote of 16-0.

After a meeting that lasted a little over an hour, committee chairman Chao Yung-mau (趙永茂) announced that the petition launched by the Consumers’ Foundation met the criteria in the Referendum Act (公民投票法), and “we have therefore decided to approve [it].”