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Ball now in Ma's court on visit by Kadeer

A spokesman for Rebiya Kadeer yesterday confirmed that the exiled Uighur leader had accepted an invitation to visit Taiwan, adding that the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) holds the key to whether the visit will materialize.

Kadeer is more than happy to participate in the Kaohsiung Film Festival and speak to the Taiwanese public, Nury Turkel, president of the Uyghur American Association, told reporters in Washington.


Young people mobilize against casinos

A group of young people from Penghu County yesterday urged other residents of the archipelago working in Taiwan proper to return home and vote against gambling in an upcoming referendum on allowing corporations to establish casinos in Penghu.

At a press conference in Taipei, Liu Yu-ming (劉昱明), a student at National Taiwan University’s Graduate Institute of Law, warned that Penghu’s image and reputation as a natural paradise could be tarnished if residents voted “yes” in the referendum.


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Taipei Press Photographers’ Association chairman Chiou Rung-ji accuses police of removing journalists violently from recent anti-government protests during a press conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

Representatives from media worker groups and academics yesterday accused the Taipei City Police Department of using excessive force against reporters in recent protests and trying to evade public scrutiny of what they described as police’s infringement of freedom of the press.

The violent eviction of reporters on March 24, when thousands of protesters occupied the Executive Yuan compound, and on April 28, during an overnight antinuclear sit-in on Zhongxiao W Road, violated the media’s right to report, the representatives told a press conference.