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Tsai promotes 23, calls for boost to combat readiness

President Tsai Ing-wen, left, congratulates newly promoted senior military personnel at a ceremony in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday called on the armed forces’ newly promoted military generals to work with the government to beef up combat readiness and show the world Taiwan’s resolute will to defend itself against threats from China.


Japanese ‘Taiwan Relations Act’ urged

Japanese politicians take part in the inauguration ceremony of the Japan-Taiwan Co-Prosperity Chiefs Alliance in Tokyo on Thursday.
Photo: Lin Tsuei-yi, Taipei Times

An alliance of Japanese local government heads on Thursday called on Tokyo to draw up a Japanese version of the US’ Taiwan Relations Act to improve bilateral cooperation on security.

The legislation would create a bilateral channel for security and political dialogues that both countries need, the Japan-Taiwan Co-Prosperity Chiefs Alliance told its founding event in Tokyo.


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A man watches a TV news report about North Korea’s nuclear test at an electronics shop in Seoul, South Korea, yesterday.
Photo: Reuters

North Korea’s biggest nuclear test to date was condemned around the world yesterday, with US President Donald Trump saying “appeasement” would not work as the authorities in Pyongyang “only understand one thing.”