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US, Taiwan should cooperate to thwart PRC: expert

A new study by Robert Kaplan — to be printed later this month in Foreign Affairs magazine — concludes that Washington and Taipei should work together to make the prospect of war seem “prohibitively costly” to Beijing.

“The United States could then maintain its credibility with its allies by keeping Taiwan functionally independent until China became a more liberal society,” Kaplan says.


KMT blocks ECFA referendum bill

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)-controlled legislature yesterday blocked an opposition-sponsored bill calling for a referendum on a proposed economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China.

The bill — which would also have created a legislative ECFA monitoring team — was rejected by the Procedure Committee, marking the sixth time the proposal has been blocked.


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Members of the Restoration of Taiwan Social Justice yesterday stage a surprise protest at the Mainland Affairs Council in Taipei to demand that China drop its plan to inaugurate a controversial flight route over the Taiwan Strait.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

About 40 members of the Restoration of Taiwan Social Justice group clashed with police yesterday after staging a surprise protest against a controversial Chinese flight route at the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) offices, calling on MAC Minister Andrew Hsia (夏立言) to step down.