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Congressman calls for US-Taiwan FTA

A leading US congressman is introducing new legislation on Capitol Hill proposing a free-trade agreement [FTA] with Taiwan.

In a dramatic presentation to congressional staff on Wednesday, Democratic Representative Robert Andrews declared that he wanted to go further and would push US President Barack Obama to recognize Taiwan as a “free and independent sovereign state.”


President Ma's trust index falls, Tsai's hits new high

President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) trust index fell slightly this month and remained below 50, while that of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) reached a new high, a poll by the Chinese-language Global Views magazine showed yesterday.

The poll, conducted by the Global Views Survey Research Center, put Ma’s trust index at 43.9 on a scale of 100, down 0.2 points from last month. The level of trust in Tsai stood at 53.2 points, an increase of 1.3 points over last month’s poll.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 27 April 2010 08:31 ) Read more...

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The Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology has launched a 10-year “smart national defense” program that would use artificial intelligence (AI) systems and big data analytics to improve the military’s strategic capabilities.

“Smart national defense will focus on cyberwarfare and gathering intelligence over the Internet to allow us to accurately predict the enemy’s movements,” institute director Colonel Lin Gau-joe (林高洲) said.