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US to call for end to Russia trade status

US President Joe Biden speaks at the Democratic National Committee winter meeting in Washington on Thursday.
Photo: Bloomberg

US President Joe Biden was yesterday set to call for an end of normal trade relations with Russia, clearing the way for increased tariffs on Russian imports, people familiar with the matter said.

His announcement to revoke the trade privileges was to come alongside similar measures by G7 nations and EU leaders, the people said.


Defending Taiwan is up to Taiwanese: UMC founder

United Microelectronics Corp founder Robert Tsao speaks to reporters in an undated photograph.
Photo: Chen Yu-fu, Taipei Times

Defending Taiwan is something Taiwanese must do on their own, United Microelectronics Corp (UMC, 聯電) founder Robert Tsao (曹興誠) said, adding that those who doubt the US’ commitment to Taiwan aim to “dampen morale” and “create panic within Taiwan.”

Tsao made the remarks in two articles shared by Democratic Progressive Party caucus whip Ker Chien-ming (柯建銘), who posted them on Facebook on Saturday.


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A security guard keeps watch from under a Huawei Technologies Co umbrella at the company’s Shanghai Research Center in China yesterday.
Photo: Reuters

Huawei Taiwan should reveal information about how it plans to protect its smartphone users in Taiwan after Alphabet Inc’s Google stopped providing Huawei Technologies Co (華為) with vital software updates, the National Communications Commission (NCC) said yesterday.