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Pentagon changes Pacific surveillance

In a military switch with direct implications for Taiwan, the Pentagon is changing the way it spies on China.

US General Gary North, Pacific Air Forces Commander, has announced that three Global Hawk drones — the US’ most advanced unmanned planes — are to be based at Anderson Air Force Base in Guam.


Group demands UN membership

A pro-Taiwanese independence civic group embarked yesterday on a weeklong journey to New York City to advocate the country’s right to bid for UN membership under the name Taiwan.

At a press conference held in Taipei yesterday before their departure, the group said “the annual trip to New York marks a continued effort by the people of Taiwan since 1979 to express their wish to be recognized by the UN.”


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The US and Chinese flags are pictured before a meeting between senior defence officials from both countries at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, on Nov. 9, 2018.
Photo: Reuters

The top diplomats from China and the US have exchanged stern warnings over the flashpoint issue of Taiwan, ahead of today’s hotly awaited summit between their leaders.

The virtual meeting of US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) comes against a backdrop of rising tensions — in part over Taiwan.