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Security experts warn on China threat

An expert on cross-strait relations yesterday emphasized the need for openness and transparency, as well as for the ruling and opposition parties to reach a consensus in formulating government policy on relations with China.

“There should not be secrecy ... there should be a broad national debate, and nothing should be done until a consensus of both parties is reached about what the ultimate goals are,” said Arthur Waldron, an international relations professor at the University of Pennsylvania.


Japan worried over ROC interpretation

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) government’s stance that there’s no need to object to China’s territorial claim to the Diaoyutai Islands (釣魚台) since the Republic of China (ROC) Constitution states that China is still considered a territory of the ROC on Taiwan has prompted concerns from Japanese officials over the political implications of this interpretation, sources from diplomatic circles said.

A meeting was held on Sept. 29 at the Presidential Office where discussions concentrated predominantly on the Diaoyutais issue.


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Taiwan New Residents Development Association chairwoman Xu Chunying (徐春鶯), rumored to be on the Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) planned list of legislators-at-large, was seen in a video clip wearing a red scarf similar to those worn by China’s Red Guards, singing the praise of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong (毛澤東).

In the clip posted on Friday by a Facebook page called “One more step,” Xu was filmed with a group of Chinese who have married Taiwanese spouses, singing: I Love Beijing Tiananmen (我愛北京天安門), with red scarves around their necks, resembling those China’s Red Guards wore in the 1960s.

According to Wikipedia, I Love Beijing Tiananmen is a children’s song written during China’s Cultural Revolution.