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Aborigines demonstrate for secret ballot rights

Saying that their right to secret voting is not properly protected, a group of Aboriginal voters yesterday staged a demonstration outside the Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP), asking it to help negotiate for a better system.

“CIP please help out! Give us back the right to secret voting,” dozens of demonstrators mobilized by Kumu Hacio, an independent candidate for the mountain Aborigine seat on the Greater Tainan City Council shouted as they stood outside the council.


Taiwanese pride suffers under Ma: poll

A majority of Taiwanese said they did not feel more proud to be a citizen of the Republic of China (ROC) after President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) took office in May 2008, a poll released by the Taiwan Thinktank ahead of Double Ten National Day showed yesterday.

The poll showed that 65 percent of respondents said they had not felt their sense of pride as an ROC citizen grow after Ma assumed office, while 31.3 percent said they had.


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Former members of the Wild Lily student movement at a news conference in Taipei on Thursday hold placards calling for people to support the development of domestic COVID-19 vaccines.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

Former members of the Wild Lily student movement on Thursday launched an “I Support Taiwan Vaccine” campaign, urging people to register to receive locally produced COVID-19 vaccines.