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Japanese support helping US defend Taiwan: survey

Nearly 60 percent of Japanese agreed with the idea of their country offering logistical support to the US if the US had to assist Taiwan militarily in a showdown with China, according to the results of a Japanese poll released yesterday.

In the survey conducted by the Japanese Asahi Shimbun daily on Dec. 4 and Dec. 5, 57 percent of the 3,000 respondents said Japan’s self-defense forces should provide transportation and other logistical support to the US military if war were to break out in the Taiwan Strait.

Only 30 percent of respondents opposed the idea.


Judge files appeal, alleges persecution

Shilin District Court Chief Judge Hung Ying-hua (洪英花) yesterday filed an appeal with the Control Yuan, accusing Judicial Yuan President Rai Hau-min (賴浩敏) and Judicial Yuan Secretary-General Lin Ching-fang (林錦芳) of political persecution.

Hung filed the charges after she was deemed unfit to be a chief judge by an anonymous vote conducted by the Judicial Yuan’s review committee in June. The Judicial Yuan is scheduled to convene a meeting on Monday to decide whether Hung should be removed from her post.


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A total of 108 people — including 33 victims of the 228 Massacre and 75 family members — yesterday filed a lawsuit against the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), demanding it apologize for the massacre and compensate them for their hardship.

“Nearly 63 years have passed, still the KMT has never shown any intention to take responsibility and apologize to victims and their families,” Yang Chen-lung (楊振隆), whose uncle was killed by KMT troops, told a press conference at the 228 Memorial Park in Taipei.