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Chen taken to hospital in handcuffs

Friends and family of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) were furious after learning that Chen had to wear handcuffs and ankle cuffs while undergoing medical checkups yesterday, saying that while this might be standard procedure, such measures were unnecessary and humiliating.

Jack Chen (陳嘉爵), who recently took over as director of the former president’s office, said Chen Shui-bian was kept bound while undergoing blood tests and receiving treatment for headaches and chest pains.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 20 January 2011 08:38 ) Read more...

High Court upholds not guilty verdict for Chen

The Taiwan High Court yesterday acquitted former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) in an embezzlement case involving US$330,000 in secret diplomatic funds.

The Taipei District Court in June last year found Chen not guilty in the embezzlement case and the Taiwan High Court yesterday maintained the lower court’s ruling.


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Taiwan’s top foreign affairs official in Berlin was said to have snubbed Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) during a visit there as part of her Europe trip.

A member of her delegation said Taiwan’s representative to Germany Wei Wu-lien (魏武煉) failed to meet Tsai at the airport or even give her a telephone call, actions normally considered customary for a high-profile trip by the head of the opposition party.

“I have never met this kind of overseas representative,” said Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴), the head of the DPP international affairs department that traveled with Tsai. “During this trip, the German representative was completely -indifferent to [Tsai] from start to finish.”