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Joblessness, rising prices could spark wars: IMF boss

The world economy is beset by problems such as high unemployment and rising prices, which could fuel trade protectionism and even lead to war within nations, the head of the IMF warned yesterday.

Rising food and fuel prices in recent months have already hit poorer countries and are one of the factors behind massive anti-government protests in Egypt and in Tunisia.


MND apologizes for wrongful execution

The Ministry of National Defense (MND) yesterday issued an official apology over what now appears to have been the wrongful execution of a soldier convicted of sexually abusing and murdering a five-year-old girl in 1996.

Amid calls by legislators for President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and the military to account for the execution of Chiang Kuo-ching (江國慶) in 1997, the ministry said in the afternoon that it would fully cooperate with an investigation, adding that the military and judicial system had learned a lesson from this case and that more rigorous investigation mechanisms should be adopted to ensure the protection of human rights.


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The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) emblem, left, and the Republic of China national emblem are pictured in an undated photograph.
Photo: Chen Yu-fu, Taipei Times

Changing the national emblem should not be taken lightly, as it embodies the nation’s collective sentiment, but political party symbols can and should change with the times, the Ministry of the Interior said on Thursday in a report on the issues stemming from similarities between the national and Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) emblems.