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‘Carrier killer’ won’t stop US: admiral

A new “carrier killer” missile that has become a symbol of China’s rising military might will not force the US Navy to change the way it operates in the Pacific, a senior Navy commander said.

Defense analysts say the Dong Feng 21D missile could upend the balance of power in Asia, where US aircraft carrier battle groups have ruled the waves since the end of World War II.

However, Vice Admiral Scott van Buskirk, commander of the US 7th Fleet, said that the Navy does not see the much-feared weapon as creating any insurmountable vulnerability for the US carriers — the Navy’s crown jewels.


Prosecutors remain mum on Wu Shu-jen jail sentence

Greater Kaohsiung prosecutors yesterday said they had no position on whether former first lady Wu Shu-jen (吳淑珍) should serve a lengthy jail sentence until she reports to Taichung Prison’s Pei Teh Hospital on Friday to undergo an evaluation, which will determine if she is fit enough to serve her term.

Wu’s son, Chen Chih-chung (陳致中), said he hoped doctors at the hospital would visit Wu in Greater Kaohsiung to assess her health rather than force her to travel to Greater Taichung.


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More than 17,000 Penghu residents voted against a plan to allow casino resorts in a referendum yesterday, defeating supporters of the casino plan by about 4,000.

Cheering, clapping and shouting “Penghu is hopeful,” members of the Penghu Alliance Against Casinos celebrated as the Penghu County Election Commission released the official results of the referendum.