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Protesters tail Chinese envoy as he tours south

Protesters from around the country yesterday converged in Greater Kaohsiung, the first stop of Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait Chairman Chen Yunlin’s (陳雲林) first trip to southern Taiwan, for a second day of protest.

Small groups of rowdy demonstrators streamed into key venues throughout Chen’s visit, including E-DA World, the tourist complex where Chen was staying and had lunch with local Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) politicians and business executives.


Beijing praises Ma’s use of ‘mainland’ designation

Beijing yesterday praised President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) call for Taiwanese to refer to China as “mainland China” or “the other side,” a move that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) said constituted political manipulation.

China’s Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Yang Yi (楊毅) said that Chinese officials had seen reports of Ma’s comment on the matter and they welcomed the move wholeheartedly.


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While the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) will have modest global economic effects, the geo-economic implications are significant enough to demand strategic attention from the US, two US international economists said in a recent study.

Daniel Rosen and Zhi Wang of the Washington-based Peterson Institute for International Economics wrote that the ECFA underscores the importance of securing US economic engagement of the first order in Asia.