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Group honors US veterans, POWs

In a small yet solemn ceremony, long-time residents from the US observed Memorial Day yesterday by paying tribute to veterans and prisoners of war (POW) incarcerated at the old Taipei Prison during World War II.

The ceremony was held at the remains of the old Taipei Prison wall near Jinshan S Rd, Sec 2, next to a Chunghwa Telecom branch office.

Fourteen US airmen were imprisoned in the facility built during the Japanese colonial era and sentenced to death. The executions took place in the prison courtyard less than two months before the war ended.


US senators petition for F-16 sale

Close to half the members of the US Senate have signed a letter to US President Barack Obama urging him to sell F-16C/D aircraft to Taiwan.

Obama has been putting off a decision on Taipei’s request to buy 66 of the advanced fighters for more than a year now and the letter is thought likely to push the issue onto the front burner.

Washington sources said the US Department of State was against the sale because it risked badly damaging already fragile relations with China, while the US Department of Defense is in favor because Taiwan’s military is in dire need of a boost.


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Chinese democracy activist Wang Dan (王丹) stirred debate recently over his suspicions that Chinese students may be “conducting organized activities” on college campuses in Taiwan.

In his latest post on Facebook, Wang said he raised the matter because he wanted to remind Taiwanese that this was now taking place in their country.