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College students organize vigils to mark massacre

Hundreds of college students assembled in Taipei last night to mark the 22nd anniversary of China’s Tiananmen Square Massacre, joining the candlelit vigils held in Hong Kong and Macau to honor the victims of the bloody crackdown and call for a spotlight on Chinese rights abuses.

Speaking at the event at Liberty Square, Wang Dan (王丹), a student leader of the 1989 pro-democracy movement, said the problems facing China today, including corruption, high unemployment, unequal distribution of wealth and moral failings, were a result of the crackdown on the movement.

“The crackdown snuffed out an opportunity” for China to peacefully transform into a democracy, he said.


Evergreen leaned on over Chen: cable

A cable released by WikiLeaks suggests that Evergreen Marine Corp distanced itself from former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) because of pressure from China.

Chen’s relationship with the company dates back to his time as a legal consultant for Evergreen on several cases. The company’s founder, Chang Yung-fa (張榮發), supported Chen when he ran for president in 2000 and Chang was later named as one of the Presidential Office’s unpaid presidential advisers.

The cable, dated Jan. 1, 2006, was sent from the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and said that Chang’s eventual shift of his support to the pan-blue camp might have been caused by the Chen administration’s failure to establish direct cross-strait shipping links.


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In a blunt departure from tradition, the military yesterday displayed a model Hsiung Feng (“Brave Wind”) III (HF-3) anti-ship missile with, as a backdrop, a large picture of a burning aircraft carrier that bore a striking resemblance to China’s retrofitted Varyag, which embarked on its maiden voyage earlier in the day.

The booth, set at a prominent location at the Taipei Aerospace and Defense Technology Exhibition (TADTE), which opens today, was the center of attention of reporters who were given a chance to take a look around during a pre-show visit.