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Japan delegation says support resolute

Former Japanese ministers of defense Shigeru Ishiba, left, and Yasukazu Hamada attend a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

Support for Taiwan in the Japanese Diet is bipartisan and would remain unchanged after the assassination of former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe, a visiting delegation of Japanese lawmakers told a news conference in Taipei yesterday.


US military making plans should Pelosi visit Taipei

US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi talks with reporters at the Capitol in Washington on Thursday last week.
Photo: AP

US officials said they have little fear that China would attack US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s plane if she flies to Taiwan.

However, Pelosi would be entering one of the world’s hottest spots, where a mishap, misstep or misunderstanding could endanger her safety, so the Pentagon is developing plans for any contingency.


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Former premier William Lai speaks at the launch of his new book in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) needs to hold a fair, open and “paradigm-setting” presidential primary to regain the public’s trust, former premier and presidential hopeful William Lai (賴清德) said yesterday.