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Home Letters for Taiwan Starbuck's Undermining of Taiwan's Sovereignty Response from Starbucks Coffee Company - Case # 7097430

Response from Starbucks Coffee Company - Case # 7097430

Thank you so much for taking the time to write to us.
Taiwan was previously labeled "Taiwan, Province of China" on the store locator system on Starbucks.com in deference to International naming conventions. Because Starbucks takes no position on political issues, the system has been adjusted and the store locator is now labeled "Taiwan."
If you have any further questions or concerns that I was unable to address, please feel free to let me know. 
Thanks again,
Allison F.
Customer Relations
Starbucks Coffee Company
800 23-LATTE (235-2883)
Monday through Friday, 5AM to 6PM (PST)
p.s. I'd really like to know how my response met your needs; click here if you'd be willing to share your thoughts in a brief survey.

The email was filed and dated on June 5, 2009, Friday

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A farmer in Chiayi County yesterday takes advantage of the good weather to take in the harvest.
Photo: Lin Yi-chang, Taipei Times

The plight of a 69-year-old farmer who attempted to commit suicide after being unable to salvage his crops in time to avoid further damage caused by the recent rains has attracted officials’ attention to the delayed delivery of mechanical reapers to farmers.

The Chinese-language United Daily News yesterday reported that the farmer from Dounan Township (斗南) in Yunlin County, surnamed Lin (林), drank pesticide in a fit of despair the night after he had waited in vain for mechanical reapers that never arrived.