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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
1121 Soft stance on ID cards is misplaced Taipei Times Editorial 486
1122 In space, Taiwan can live forever Richard Fisher Jr 555
1123 Playing politics with people’s lives Taipei Times Editorial 623
1124 Slow shift in Taiwan’s favor Taipei Times Editorial 781
1125 Taiwan needs a ‘third force’ party Chen Yi-chi 陳奕齊 505
1126 Sports still under party-state control Taipei Times Editorial 563
1127 FAPA’s monumental achievements Lucy Shen 沈仲珊 502
1128 A post-war view of Taiwan-US ties HoonTing 雲程 510
1129 Japan firms join the US’ trade war with China Lin Shiou-jeng 林修正 499
1130 Taiwan is not a Han Chinese society Sim Kiantek 沈建德 499
1131 Taiwan could gain from ally’s betrayal James Wang 王景弘 491
1132 Joint force makes bullies quake Taipei Times Editorial 538
1133 PTS Hoklo channel’s fate still uncertain Koeh Ian-lim 郭燕霖 528
1134 Taiwan must act on US goodwill Parris Chang 張旭成 662
1135 Taiwanese must band together to face China Paul Lin 林保華 624
1136 Time to fight sugar-coated poison pills from China Lam Sei-lin 林四連 556
1137 China’s growing economic clout Sam Sky Wild 500
1138 Standing up to China the bully Taipei Times Editorial 598
1139 Referendums must be more practical Taipei Times Editorial 513
1140 Name change would foster identity Chu Meng-hsiang 553
Page 57 of 142


Ten former and current military officers were yesterday indicted on charges of spying for China, including two who allegedly filmed themselves pledging loyalty to Beijing.

The High Prosecutors’ Office requested life imprisonment for the suspects in light of the severity of the crime.

The 10 active-duty and retired officers included members of the 601st Brigade of the Aviation Special Forces comprising attack helicopter squadrons and elite combat units in charge of defending northern Taiwan, including Taipei.