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Home Articles Dr. Yang's Column The Martyred Spirits of Democracy Preside Over Taiwan 228 Holy Mountain

The Martyred Spirits of Democracy Preside Over Taiwan 228 Holy Mountain

The Martyred Spirits of Democracy Preside Over Taiwan 228 Holy Mountain

2009, June 4th, rain and gusts awash in abundance…
The Chinese people crave democracy.
1912, the Manchurian Ching Dynasty expired.

Sun Yet-San established the Nationalist government.
Yet, the Chinese folks, some died, others fled;
All the same, unable to escape the fate of “despotism and dictatorship.”

1945 to 1948.
The warlords obsessed in internecine; the two parties preoccupied with purging each other;
All the same, some died, others fled.
KMT reached
Killed the Chinese, also killed the Taiwanese.
Death toll hit 50 million,
Afflicted hundreds of millions.

That old Mao became the leader of China.
Cultural Revolution,
Revolved around the death toll of 80 million.
The entire
China, too, afflicted with hundreds of millions.

KMT plus PRC equals to “death.”
From the violent struggles of wutou, violent internecine of neitou, to vicious penmanship of wentou;
Yet today’s A-Jeou schemes to sell
Taiwan to the Chinese Communists.

KMT germinated elites,
To schematically turn them into “high-class ex-provençal;

To seize
Taiwan’s political estate.

Red China grew sidekicks and privileged princelings,
Also to become “high-class Chinois/e;”
To grab Chinese Communists’ political power.

Foolish, adrift Chinese become PRC’s slaves.
Foolish, adrift Taiwanese become ROC’s slaves.

All of us are slaves.
Fine to just to eat till satiation, to live with security?
Discussing “human rights,” “democracy,” “liberty,” “lawfulness;” what good is it?
People who live in servitude, are they serene and safe?
That sort of mentality and cattle, what’s the difference!

Since the old days, the Taiwanese people passed days with hardship.
Since the old days, the Chinese people chased foods till satiation.
The meaning of life,
Is to “eat till full.”

Now, the Taiwanese people,
Possess the ability to think independently,
Possess the notion of right and wrong,
Possess the knowledge of human rights.
Aside from “eat till full,” they also demand democracy, freedom, human rights
- Taiwanese people finally woke up.

In China, the tidal wave of democracy gushes with gusts and gather with clouds.
The student democracy movement, 1989 Tiananmen Massacre,
With tanks and machine guns,

Chinese soldiers obeyed orders,
China’s finest without a show of mercy.

Yet A-Jeou daydreams about signing peace treaties with the Chinese Communists.
A father of two with US passports,
A-Jeou’s conscience is retarded.

Those self-proclaimed descendants of Yan and Yellow emperors - the A-Shek’s minions -
Should really be ashamed to face,
Those rolled into meat loafs and grounded into patties,
China’s Martyred Spirits of Democracy.

Now They Choose Taiwan 228 Holy Mountain as Their base.
The Faith in Taiwanese Spirits,
Is now shaping
China’s growth in democracy.

The 1,875 China’s Spirits of Democracy,
Joined the ranks of 228 Taiwan Divinities.

Goals, principles, objectives,
Are all the same;
To build, with the world’s core values, democratic nations.

Thereupon my writing ends.
Ye who have faith shall remain so.

Ye who lack faith shall remain naught.
It’s all “
sealeth in our hands.

Note: The poem is written by Dr. Yang Hsu-Tung on Saturday June 6, 2009. Dr. Yang is the chairman of Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation and the author of Taiwanese People Worshiping the Taiwanese Divinities, Rejecting to be a Rootless People

Note: A special section for the 20th anniversary of June 4th can be found here.

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Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) yesterday warned the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) not to be too optimistic about its prospects in the Taipei mayoral election in November, saying the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) had yet to launch what he expects to be a “mudslinging campaign.”

In comments published in Neo Formosa Weekly, which resumed publication in electronic format in September last year, Chen said it was unfair to say that the DPP’s candidate for Taipei City mayor, Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌), and its candidate for the soon-to-be-renamed Sinbei City, DPP Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), were not committed to their campaigns and had set their sights on the next presidential election in 2012.