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Worshiping the Taiwanese Divinities

All articles shown in this category are translated by Leo Wang, member of Tati Youth Volunteer Corps, directly from the book, Taiwanese People Worshiping the Taiwanese Divinities, Rejecting to be a Rootless People by Dr. Yang Hsu-Tung, Chairman of Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation.

An Analysis of the Unificationists' Mental Confusion

The way to build a nation on Taiwan requires full utilization of various tactics: attacks, counter-attacks, and counter-advancements.  With president Chen Chui-Bien representing the Taiwanese sovereignty’s in the National Administration, the Taiwanese should master the Chinese Imperialists’ style of governance; in turn, applying such ruling method while governing the Chinese Imperialists.  Ruling a country is like doing a small time cooking.  With addition of spices, and without major changes, is capable of completing a full mountain of works while revealing the political ghosts’ and goblins’ conspiracies and thereby rendering all their plots unfeasible.


Taiwan Becomes a Country, It's Coming!

The first time the People’s Republic of China gets to have a voice at the United Nations is 1950.  It was the early period of CCP’s regime, and its Ministry of Foreign Relations had drafted up a list of individuals to serve as its ambassadors to the UN, to prepare a long-term warfare, and swore to expel Chiang Kai-Shek and company from the UN.  The Republic of China’s international standing was truly in peril.  If it wasn’t for an old friend - the United States’ strong support, the ROC would be long gone.


Fight the Communists to Protect Taiwan

In 1949, the old Chiang announced the Republic of China (ROC) is already dead.  1971 witnessed the elimination of the ROC name from the international arena and replaced by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).  Then, what the hell is the October 10th National Day celebrating?

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Taiwan should not be overly close to China, so as to maintain the balance of power in the East Asia region, Japanese Diet members were quoted as saying during a recent meeting with visiting Taiwanese lawmakers on issues pertaining to the disputed Diaoyutai Islands (釣魚台列嶼).

Taiwan, China and Japan all claim sovereignty over the islets, known in Japan as the Senkaku islands and the Diaoyu Isalnds (釣魚群島) in Chinese.