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Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
831 2015-10-17 Medical Study of Spiritual Bodies and Transformation of Spiritual Bodies New Books Presentation at Kaohsiung Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 320
832 2015-10-15 Accomany with Senior Yang Tsui-hau(楊翠華-楊克煌女兒) and Visit Su Beng Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 859
833 2015-10-10 Holy Mountain - Taiwan Paper Mulberry, The Origin of Pacific Paper Mulberry Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 302
834 2015-10-04 From Hospital to City Government - Talk about the Enterprise Management - Ko Wen-je Mayor Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 313
835 2015-10-03 Tati Annual Board Meeting and New BooKs Released Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 351
836 2015-09-26 The Junior Forerunner of Anti-China Colonial Education - Dai Lin (林冠華) Martyrs Monument Opening and Memorial Assembly Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 338
837 2015-09-25 One China Curriculum Guideline? Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 315
838 2015-09-20 What We Don't Know About the 12 Years National Education - From Procedural Justice To Education Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 323
839 2015-09-19 Holy Mountain - Dai Lin (林冠華) Martyrs Monument Art Works Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 322
840 2015-09-16 It's not Chinese Taipei, It's Taiwan! Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 353
Page 84 of 228


The US Department of State is declining for the first time to address an annual industry conference on defense and security ties between the US and Taiwan, the event’s organizer said.

US arms sales to Taiwan are a major sore spot with China. Still, the State Department has sent one of its senior officials to speak at the event each year for the past nine years, US-Taiwan Business Council president Rupert Hammond-Chambers said in an interview on Tuesday.

“It’s certainly a -disappoint-ment,” he said, although a senior Pentagon official will address the conference.