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Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
1261 2013-10-03 Righteous Action - Referendum Union Visits Holy Mountain Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 412
1262 2013-09-29 People Uprising Against Ma Rally at Central Park, Kaohsiung Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 307
1263 2013-09-29 929 Strolling Around the Presidential Residence Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 349
1264 2013-09-29 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XCVIII Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 512
1265 2013-09-28 "Grandma Grandpa's Taiwan Story for Children" Audiobook Released Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 337
1266 2013-09-28 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XCVII Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 551
1267 2013-09-24 "Ma Step Down, Bright Future for Taiwan" Forum Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 391
1268 2013-09-22 Independence Strategy of the Era of Post-Nationalism: An Analysis of the Independence Movement of South Pacific Countries Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 383
1269 2013-09-22 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XCVI Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 513
1270 2013-09-21 Holy Mountain Mid-Autumn Festival - Looking Forward to A New Wave of Civil Movement Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 481
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President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) owes the public an apology for using government money to campaign for Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) candidates, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) caucus said yesterday, accusing Ma of spending at least NT$3.71 million (US$115,000) a day campaigning.

The caucus also lambasted the presidential security detail for hogging the road by telling drivers on a freeway to clear the passing lane for a presidential motorcade heading for Taipei on Saturday — although some media outlets, including TVBS, reported yesterday that Ma was not in the motorcade at the time. There was a traffic jam on the freeway at the time because of an unrelated car accident.