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Home Activity Slideshow 2023-09-21 The Ecology of Holy Mountain

2023-09-21 The Ecology of Holy Mountain

The Ecology of Holy Mountain

The Ecology of Holy Mountain

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 28 October 2023 17:27 )  


Residents of Dapu Borough react to a Taichung High Administrative Court ruling that the demolition of houses by the Miaoli County Government in July last year was illegal.
Photo: George Tsorng, Taipei Times

Residents of Miaoli County’s Dapu Borough (大埔) erupted in tears yesterday after the Taichung High Administrative Court ruled that the county government had illegally destroyed houses belonging to four families last year.

The court said the Ministry of the Interior had failed to conduct a review of a project submitted by the Miaoli County Government to demolish the private homes in Dapu to make way for a science park before approving the project.