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Home Activity Slideshow 2018-11-24 Holy Mountain - Feeling(飛靈) Artistic Creation

2018-11-24 Holy Mountain - Feeling(飛靈) Artistic Creation

Holy Mountain - Feeling(飛靈) Artistic Creation

Holy Mountain - Feeling(飛靈) Artistic Creation

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Last Updated ( Monday, 03 December 2018 20:35 )  


There is no question that Taiwan will come up when US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) meet in California this week, former American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) chairman Richard Bush said.

In view of Beijing’s regular statements that Taiwan is the “most sensitive and important” issue in US-China relations, the topic will be raised at some point during meeting between the two leaders, added Bush, who is now the director of the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies at the Brookings Institute.