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Home Activity Slideshow 2009-10-11 A Ritual: Holy Mountain Spiritual Cultivation Granted to the Ancestors of Tati Practitioners

2009-10-11 A Ritual: Holy Mountain Spiritual Cultivation Granted to the Ancestors of Tati Practitioners

A Ritual: Holy Mountain Spiritual Cultivation Granted to the Ancestors of Tati Practitioners

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Last Updated ( Monday, 28 December 2009 10:01 )  


Disappointed YES campaign supporters gather in Edinburgh yesterday after the result of the Scottish independence referendum.
Photo: EPA

Scots rejected independence yesterday in a referendum that left the centuries-old UK intact, but headed for a major shake-up that is to give more autonomy to both Scotland and England.

Despite a surge in nationalist support in the final fortnight of the campaign, the “no” camp secured 55.30 percent of the vote, against 44.70 percent for the pro-independence “yes” camp.