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Home Activity Slideshow 2014-02-20 Taiwan Political Victims Care Association and Prof. Chang Yan-hsien Visit Holy Mountain

2014-02-20 Taiwan Political Victims Care Association and Prof. Chang Yan-hsien Visit Holy Mountain

Taiwan Political Victims Care Association and Prof. Chang Yan-hsien Visit Holy Mountainr

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Last Updated ( Friday, 21 February 2014 08:08 )  


The Taiwan High Court yesterday extended former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) detention by two months on the grounds that he may flee the country if released.

The ruling dashed his family’s hopes that Chen, whose current detention order expires on Wednesday, would be released following their request to Swiss banking authorities that money be sent to a bank account designated by the Special Investigation Panel (SIP) of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office. Taiwan High Court judge Teng Chen-chiu (鄧振球) has previously said the move could enhance the chances of the former president being released.