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Home Activity Slideshow 2013-09-28 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XCVII

2013-09-28 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XCVII

Holy Mountain PaPaGo XCVII

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Last Updated ( Monday, 30 September 2013 08:28 )  


A “leaked” internal memo from the WHO made public yesterday raised new questions about Taiwan’s participation in the International Health Regulations (IHR).

The memo, handed out by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Kuan Bi-ling (管碧玲), states: “Taiwan, as a province of China, cannot be party to the IHR” — an agreement that dovetails with Beijing’s position.

World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolution 25.1, referring to the 1972 clause that ejected Taiwan’s representatives to the WHO, remains a “touchstone for such matters,” the confidential document said.