Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Home Activity Slideshow 2013-02-10 2013 Taiwan Shinto Spiritual Enhancement Class V at Holy Mountain - The first day of lunar new year

2013-02-10 2013 Taiwan Shinto Spiritual Enhancement Class V at Holy Mountain - The first day of lunar new year

2013 Taiwan Shinto Spiritual Enhancement Class V at Holy Mountain - The first day of lunar new year


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 February 2013 23:21 )  


A handout photograph released by the US Navy shows the USS Lassen conducting a trilateral naval exercise with the Turkish and South Korean navies in waters south of the Korean Peninsula on May 25.
Photo: EPA

The US yesterday defied China by sending a warship close to artificial islands China is building in disputed waters, prompting Beijing to furiously denounce what it called a threat to its sovereignty.