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Home Activity Slideshow 2011-09-11 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XIII

2011-09-11 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XIII

Holy Mountain PaPaGo XIII

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 11 September 2011 22:46 )  


Pro-China activists carrying Chinese and Taiwanese national flags walk onto one of the disputed Diaoyutai Islands after arriving from Hong Kong on their boat on Wednesday.
Photo: AFP

Following the latest confrontation over the Diaoyutai Islands (釣魚台) between Japan and pro-China activists, President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration yesterday chastised Japan, while being reserved in its criticism of the activists.

“[Taiwan] calls on Japan to realize there exists a dispute over the sovereignty of the Diaoyutai Islands and to consider [Taiwan]-initiated proposals on how to handle the issue in a pragmatic and effective way. [Japan] should not be oblivious to the fact of contention,” a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said last night.