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Home Activity Slideshow 2010-05-19 Holy Mountain Cathy's Diary - Fresh Brewed Coffee and Herbal Tea

2010-05-19 Holy Mountain Cathy's Diary - Fresh Brewed Coffee and Herbal Tea

Holy Mountain Cathy's Diary - Fresh Brewed Coffee and Herbal Tea

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Last Updated ( Friday, 21 May 2010 13:05 )  


As the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission officially released its annual report to the US Congress on Wednesday, commissioner Dan Blumenthal said there was unanimous agreement that “something must be done” to improve Taiwan’s air defense capabilities.

Addressing a packed hearing room in the US Senate, Blumenthal said there was “no silver bullet” that could balance the military forces facing each other across the Taiwan Strait, but that Congress needed to review the situation in a comprehensive manner.